
Here is a picture I was sent in from Wroxham Broad at the bridge by Roys of Wroxham. It is a picture of a Pike about 15lb+, and how not to handle a fish. Do not under any circumstance lay any fish on ground like this, this is classed as careless and cruel. This is why it is now most anglers take unhooking mats with them, so this type of event cannot happen.

Here is a picture I was sent in from Wroxham Broad at the bridge by Roys of Wroxham. It is a picture of a Pike about 15lb+, and how not to handle a fish. Do not under any circumstance lay any fish on ground like this, this is classed as careless and cruel. This is why it is now most anglers take unhooking mats with them, so this type of event cannot happen.

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