
Most viewed - Fishing In Norfolk
806 viewsHere is a picture of Wayne Andrews with a 20lb Mirror Carp he caught at Shallowbrook on the 13th September 2009.
800 viewsHere is another picture looking from the car park next to the Mill Pond on the River Thet.
797 viewsHere is a picture of the Catfish from the Medium Pit at Fendicks, it weighed something between 32lb and 34lb in this picture,. It has now been moved to the Big Pit. I do not have any details on the person who caught it, or what date?
793 viewsHere is a picture of Nunns Bridges looking from just before the Footbridge.
788 viewsHere is a picture of Ryan Foreman with a 8lb Mirror Carp he caught.
786 viewsHere is a picture of Biffa with a 14lb+ Common Carp that he caught at Woodrising Water Meadows.
785 viewsThis is a 9lb Koi Carp that I caught at Whitebridge Farm, using my 8m pole, while using a 10mm plum boilie. Caught by me ghetto_uk.
782 viewsHere is a picture of the Mill Pond looking from the left hand side of the River Thet.
779 viewsHere is a picture of old Swimming Pool area at Nunns Bridges looking from the middle of Footbridge.
779 viewsHere is a photo of Dave Todd with his 10lb Mirror Carp, which he caught on sweet corn. Taken on 14th Feb 2007.
777 viewsHere is a picture of Jack with his 21lb Catfish from the Big Pit at Fendicks on the 4th of July 2008 at 17:09pm.

774 viewsCaught sometime before May 2007

Here is a picture of a Catfish from the Small Pit at Fendicks, which has now been moved to the Big Pit. I have no Information, on who caught it, on size, or the date it was caught.
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