00 lbs |
00 oz |
07 drams |
00 kilos |
013 grams |
Year 2005 |
Distribution: Europe north of Caucasus, Pyrenees and Alps, from Loire and Rhone drainages eastward; British Isles (except northern Scotland), southern Sweden and Finland (northward to about 66°N); Danube and Vardar drainages. Several similar species in Asia, as far as Japan (including B.toni, which earlier was considered conspecific).
Usually in flowing stretches of streams and medium-sized rivers with gravel to stone bottom, but also in a variety of other habitats, including sandy canals and lake shores. Spawns on gravel, sand or among aquatic vegetation. Larvae and small juveniles prefer sand bottom and slow current, shifting to gravel bottom and fast current when growing.
Features:Stone Loaches live amongst the gravel and stones of fast flowing water where they can search for food. The most distinctive feature of this 14 cm fish is the presence of barbels around the bottom jaw, which they use to detect their invertebrate prey. The body is a mixture of brown, green and yellow.
A common fish in clear rivers and streams with gravel and sandy bottoms. This is most likely in upland areas but also chalk streams. They live on the bottom, often partly buried, and they are particularly active at night.
Diet:Feeds on relative large benthic invertebrates (gammarids, chironomids, insect larvae). Tolerant to moderate organic pollution and stream canalisation, very sensitive to pollution by heavy metals.
Systems: Freshwater.
Spawning:Spawns for the first time usually at one year in central and southern Europe, 2-3 years in nutrient poor habitats and in northern Europe; most individuals spawn 1-2 seasons. Spawns in April-June at temperatures above 10°C, usually early morning. Open substrate, multiple spawner. Eggs are released in open water, often close to surface, drift and adhere to different substrates; they are often covered by sand or detritus. Individual females may spawn every day for a short period. Benthic larvae.
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