Norfolk Fishing Network 2004 - 2025 - Species Of The Sea - A, B, C, Sea Fish

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Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) - The anchovy is a small green fish with blue reflections dorsal to a silver longitudinal stripe that runs from the base of the caudal fin.

Habitat - It is generally very accepting of a wide range of temperatures and salinity. Large schools can be found in shallow, brackish areas with muddy bottoms, as in estuaries and bays.

Diet - It eats plankton and fish larvae.

Real Fish Pictures - Species Information

Ballan Wrasse (Labrus bergylta) - Colourful Fish with many shades of brown, olive green, grey and red. There may be a mottled pattern, strong saddle-type markings or a single light stripe running the length of the body.

Habitat - Young ballans are usually a bright green in colour and can be found in rocky / weedy locations to about 20m. Juveniles may act as cleaner fish to other species.

Diet - Feeds on molluscs such as mussels and other invertebrates, including crab and shrimp.

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Black Sea Bream (Spondyliosoma cantharus) - Body tall, with weak longitudinal stripes and no dark spots. Snout as long or longer than the eye diameter.

Habitat - Found over seagrass beds and rocky and sandy bottoms to depth of about 300m.

Diet - Omnivorous, feeding on seaweeds and small invertebrates, especially crustaceans.

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Brill (Scophthalmus rhombus) - Thinner and more slender body. Skin with small, smooth scales, without bony tubercle. Able to change color of the eyed side, matching the bottom they rest on. Color is often olive green, with dark and light spots

Habitat - Brill may be found in depths of up to 50 m, on sandy or mixed substrates.

Diet - The Brill feeds principally on small fish and crustaceans.

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Catfish (Anarhichas lupus) - The Atlantic wolffish , also known as the Seawolf, Atlantic catfish, ocean catfish, wolf eel.

Habitat - living on the hard ocean floor, frequently seen in nooks and small caves. They like cold water, at depths of 76 to 120 meters (250 to 400 ft).

Diet - Atlantic wolffish use their strong jaws to eat hardshell mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms. They do not eat other fish.

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Cod (Gadus morhua) - The back tends to be a greenish to sandy brown, and showing extensive mottling especially towards the lighter sides and white belly. Dark brown colouration of the back and sides is not uncommon especially for individuals who have resided in rocky inshore regions.

Habitat - Widespread, larger fish prefer reefs / wrecks.

Diet - Cod feed on molluscs, crabs, starfish, worms, squid, and small fish. Lugworm, squid, Peeler crab.

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Coley (Pollachius virens) - Lateral line smooth along its entire length. Body color is brownish-green dorsally, becoming only slightly paler ventrally.

Habitat - depth range 37 - 364 m. They are found inshore and in offshore waters. They enter coastal waters in spring and they return to deeper water in winter.

Diet - Smaller fish in inshore waters. they feed on small crustaceans (copepods, amphipods, euphausiids) and small fish, while larger fish prey predominantly upon fish.

Real Fish Pictures - Species Information

Conger Eel (Conger conger) - A long type of fish (Snake like) they are often seen between the length of 1.5m and 3m.

Habitat - Conger Eels favour very rough ground and inhabit deepwater wrecks, reefs and broken ground. In shallow waters Conger are mostly nocturnal feeders, but in depths of 60ft or more they feed at any time.

Diet - They will take fish baits, crab, cuttlefish and squid. The most popular bait is a mackerel 'flapper' produced by taking the whole fish and removing the backbone and tail, allowing the flanks and innards to flutter in the tide. If it is available, a whole live pout can prove deadly.

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Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus mixtus) - Usually solitary or in pairs with young.

Habitat - Found in shallow waters over rocky and broken ground.

Diet - Feeds mainly on crustaceans, but also fish, mollusks and worms.

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