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Fishery Name: Woburn Sands - Carp Pit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address: Eastaff Croft, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK17 8GA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entrance Grid Ref: SP 92296 36024
Car Park Grid Ref: Along the road. |
Sat Nav: MK17 8GA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone Numbers: 07506 378748 or 07963 641463 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email Address: [email protected] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: Woburn Sands Lake operated by Vauxhall Angling Club.
The lake is stocked with Bream, Carp, Pike, Rudd and Tench.
Permits available from website and many tackle dealers in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northants and Hertfordshire. Membership Enquiries: 07506378748 or 07963 641463.
Fish Species:
Fishery Rules: VAUXHALL ANGLING CLUB RULES 2018 / 2019 1. Objectives. The objectives of the Club in addition to the Constitution shall be to promote fair angling and to care for and restock such waters as the Club may control. 2. Membership. Any person shall be eligible for membership of the Vauxhall Angling Club upon payment of the appropriate membership fee to cover the period June 16th to March14th of the following year. Annual Membership is also available. It is also a condition of membership that members will adhere to all Club rules and be in possession of an appropriate current EA rod fishing licence. 3. Subscriptions. The following subscriptions shall apply (Price is for 2 rods only - see Water Rule 15): Adults £55.00 June 16th - Mar 14th ) Adults £80 June 16th - June 15th Joint (man and wife) £75.00 Joint £105 Juniors (10 to under 16) £15.00 Junior £25 Senior Citizens (over 65) £30.00 Senior Citizen £45 Disabled* £30.00 *Disabled concession is available to anglers in receipt of a Concessionary rod licence. You will need to provide your concessionary rod licence (copies accepted) Replacements for lost books will be charged at a flat fee of £10, regardless of membership type. 3rd Rod Permits £15.00 June 16th -Mar 14th £25 June 16th - June15th. 4. Affiliation. The Club shall be affiliated to the Ivel Protection Association (see waters). The Club will allow any IPA member to fish the Vauxhall length at Girtford Bridge; however the Club reserves the right to withdraw this at any time if IPA anglers abuse this in any way. 5. Rules: All members must conform to the Club Rules and EA National and Regional Rules. 5.1 The Committee reserves the right to ban any person from being a member of the Club or from being allowed onto Club waters. 5.2 If such a ban is enforced and the person concerned wishes to appeal, in the first instance they must write to the Club detailing why such a ban should not be enforced.. Based upon that, the Committee will decide whether the appeal is rejected, upheld or may ask the appellant to attend a committee meeting to discuss further. 6. Finance. No financial obligations shall be assumed by any body other than the Vauxhall Angling Club. The Committee and Trustees will administer all Club expenditure and income, in the best interests of the Club. 7. Responsibility for Members Property. The Club shall not assume any responsibility whatsoever for accidents to members or loss or dam-age to members' property whilst on Vauxhall Angling Club property or tenancies. Members are advised to insure their own fishing tackle. 8. Management. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the officers and committee elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, to be held on the date specified on the inside rear cover of the membership book. The section officers shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Head Bailiff, Assistant Head Bailiff, Fisheries Maintenance Officer, Assistant Fisheries Maintenance Officer, Match Secretary, Membership Secretary and Publicity Officers. The committee shall consist of all officers plus not more than 12 members elected at the AGM. The committee have powers to co-opt but such members will have no voting power on the committee. The committee shall have the power to make bye-laws and regulations to settle any relevant matters not provided for in these rules, these to be submitted for endorsement at the following AGM. The committee collectively is responsible for the review and implementation of all proposals, including (but not exclusively) items such as restocking, financial spending, fishery maintenance and purchase, water rents and membership prices. All decisions within committee must be made via democratic voting and recorded in the meeting minutes. Any Committee Member failing to attend a minimum of seven committee meetings a year, without reasonable explanation, will cease to be a committee member and their complimentary book will be revoked 9. Trespass Prevention of. The committee shall endeavour to initiate action to prosecute trespassers on land or fishing rights owned by Vauxhall Angling Club. 10. Members must acquaint themselves and abide by Vauxhall Angling Club rules. These rules shall not be altered in any way except at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Proposed alterations must be signed by the proposer and seconder and be in the Secretary's hands one calendar month before the AGM. 11. Any suggestions or complaints must be referred to an officer or committee member in writing to the PO Box see page 1. 12. Guest tickets permitting visitors to fish on Club waters accompanied by a member must be obtained by post via the PO Box address in the front of the book, price £10.00 each, Juniors (under 16 £5.00). A guest permit is only available for one 24 hour period and the guest must not be on any Vauxhall venue for longer than 24 hours. A member may have a maximum of one guest with them. NO tickets will be issued for Tingrith. YOU MUST ALLOW AT LEAST 7 WORKING DAYS NOTICE FOR ISSUE OF TICKETS. 13. Fishery Venue Officers shall be appointed for each of the Club waters and notified in the Membership Book. They shall be elected by the officers and committee at the first committee meeting following the AGM and their activities shall be co-ordinated by the Fisheries Management Officer. 14. All publicity of catches and other matters relating to the Club must be channelled through our Publicity Officer or Match Secretary and not direct to the Press. Failure to comply with this rule will be regarded as a serious breach of Club rules. 15. Members must at all times, carry their signed Membership Book with them whilst visiting Club waters and MUST produce them when asked to do so, no matter by whom. 16.Trustees there will be 4 Trustees of the Vauxhall Angling Club. Changes of Trustees must be put to the AGM or Special General Meeting for ratification. However, it is the responsibility of the existing Trustees to ensure the change is legally completed via a solicitor and Deed of Appointment. The Committee MUST ensure that there is always at least one serving Trustee(as detailed on the Deed of Appointment) to ensure that the legal requirements for change may be met. 17. Trustees and officers shall be indemnified in respect of all liabilities and expenses incurred by them in the execution of their duties, except in the case where the liability or expense arises from the personal willful default, fraud or dishonesty of a trustee. 18. The Head Bailiff and Committee will appoint Bailiffs each season. All Bailiffs will be issued with an ID card and report book. Report books must be returned to the Head Bailiff when requested. All Committee members and Club Officers will be Club Bailiffs. 19. A Match Committee of a maximum of 5, including the Match Secretary, shall be elected from the Officers and Committee at the first Committee meeting following the AGM. 20. One non-fishing partner may accompany members. 21. Abusive, intimidating or threatening behaviour WILL NOT be tolerated by Vauxhall Angling Club. The Committee will BAN FOR LIFE any person(s) either directly or indirectly found to be contravening this rule, in ANY way. 22. The Club will implement and pursue all policies and procedures documented in the Vauxhall Angling Club Fisheries Management Plan. All of-ficers, committee members, Bailiffs etc. are to fully acquaint themselves with this plan to understand roles, responsibilities and implementation. Copies of the plan are available from the Chairman, Secretary or Publicity Officer. 23. The rules governing Club competitions are available from the Club Secretary and the Match Secretary. 24. Pike Fishing -No pike fishing at the Tingrith Complex -Woburn Sands pike fishing only between Oct 1st and March14th. -All other venues open. -No live fish to be brought onto or used for pike fishing on any Vauxhall water. 25. Anyone found trying to foul hook any fish may be prosecuted and will be banned from the Club. 26. The disfigurement or mistreatment of fish is strictly forbidden. 27. Under 10`s are allowed to fish for free ONLY from the members peg and must be properly supervised at all times. WATER RULES: 1. All gates must be closed and secured. No litter or dead fish to be left on the banks. Before occupying a swim members must clear any litter within ten metres of the swim they have selected. Bailiffs are instructed to report offenders and endorse Membership Book. No metal bait containers (e.g., luncheon meat and sweetcorn tins) to be taken on Club waters. 2. Crossing the river by railway viaducts is strictly prohibited. 3. Radio sets, etc., must not be played on Club waters to the annoyance of other members. 4. Caravans must not be taken on to any land adjoining Club waters. Dogs allowed where permitted must be under control. 5. No tents are permitted on any Club venue. 6. Members are asked to give information to any Club official if they ob-serve trespassing on Club waters or any breach of the fishing laws or the rules in this book by other members. 7. Under no circumstances are any fish to be removed from any Club waters. Transfer of fish between waters is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and is a very serious breach of rules, which could lead to expulsion from the Club AND PROSECUTION BY THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY. 8. Any Club water reserved for a match is closed to everyone from mid-night on the previous evening. Only those people fishing the match are allowed on the reserved length until the match is finished. 9. No open fires to be lit on Club waters unless sanctioned by the com-mittee for maintenance work. 10. Guns of all descriptions must not be carried onto Vauxhall waters or property unless authorized by the Committee. 11. The use of gaffs is not permitted on any Club waters. 12. Junior members must be accompanied by an adult member. The par-ents of any junior member caught fishing unaccompanied will be contacted and informed of the offence and of the dangers of young anglers fish-ing on their own. Juniors aged 14 and over may fish the Mere at Tingrith by themselves or with one friend who is also a member and over 14 years of age. (max of two over 14's and under 16's may fish together )Parents are responsible for the safety of any Junior member. 13. Members and their guests visiting Club waters must at all times con-duct themselves so as not to interfere with the fishing of other members. 14. All boats (dinghies, lilos, bait boats. etc.) are prohibited from Vauxhall Club waters unless sanctioned by Committee for maintenance works. 15. Where allowed, an individual may use the maximum of 3 (three) rods on Vauxhall waters only if a 3rd (third) Rod Permit has been purchased and he/she is in the possession of the relevant EA Rod Fishing Licences. 3-Rod permit £15.00. Jun16th to Mar 14th £25 Jun 16th to Jun 15th Failure to comply with this rule will result in the front cover of your Membership Book being removed and you will be immediately banned from the Club. There will be no exceptions to this rule. 16. Some waters have special rules that are applicable and these are detailed on the maps. Ensure that you understand and comply with these. 17. All anglers who are specimen fishing must use a suitable unhooking mat, as large fish are easily damaged. The Club recommends a size of 2 foot x 3 foot by 1 1/2 inches thick. Bailiffs are instructed to ensure that suitable mats are used. 18. Anglers must not keep more than 50lbs of fish in any keepnet. 19. All members, especially long stay anglers, must ensure they cater for their own toilet requirements by bagging and removing all waste from the fishery. Under no circumstances must anglers cause offence or a hygiene hazard, to any person, by not complying with the previous rule. 20. Bivvies must not be left unattended for longer than 1 hour in any 24 hour period. You must adhere to this rule or your fishing equipment will be removed |
Facilities: ? |
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