Norfolk Fishing Network 2004 - 2025 - Cumbria Fisheries

cumbria Fishing Venues
Fishery Name: Mirehouse Pond's
Address: Mirehouse Road, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 9RU
Entrance Grid Ref: NX 97931 15216

Car Park Grid Ref: NX 97934 15190
Sat Nav: CA28 9RU
Phone Numbers: 01946 443661
Email Address: [email protected]
Description: Currently consisting of "Mirehouse Ponds" as our main venue, we are a recreational angling club consisting of 2 ponds on the site. One smaller match pond provides ample match angling sport with a mixture of species - Bream, skimmers, roach, perch, tench, rudd and F1 carp forming the main stock.

Fish Species:
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F1 Carp
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Fishery rules: Haig Angling Club Rules and Constitution:

1. Name:

The name of the Club shall be the Haig Angling Club.

2. Objects:

The general objects of the Club (Not-for-Profit/an unincorporated association) shall be to provide the facilities of an angling club for its members, including the organisation and provision of angling and to promote the interests of angling and anglers.

3. Trustees:

The Charities Act 1993 (S97) defines charity trustees as "the persons having the general control and management of the administration of a charity". For the purposes of Haig Angling Club there shall be Holding Trustees and Managing Trustees. Detailed below describes the roles that Holding, and Management Trustees play.

(a) There shall be not less than two nor more than four Holding Trustees of the Club. The current nominated Holding Trustees are: The Senior Officials of the Club as appointed at the AGM. Subsequent appointment of Holding Trustees shall be by the Management Committee.

(b) Holding Trustees shall hold office until death, resignation in writing (but only if enough trustees will remain in office when resignation takes effect) or until removed from office by a resolution of the Management Committee.

(c) All property of the Club, excluding leases and fishing leases shall be vested in the Management Committee (Managing Trustees), to be dealt with by them, as the Membership shall from time to time direct by resolution.

(d) Leases and fishing leases shall be vested in the Holding Trustees, to be dealt with by them as the Membership shall from time to time direct by resolution.

(e) The Holding Trustees and the Management Committee (Managing Trustees) shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Club, against any risk and expense incurred by them in pursuance of their office.

4. Membership:

(a) The Club shall consist of the following classes of members:

(i) Ordinary Members; (senior, concession)

(ii) Temporary Members; (Day Ticket Holders).

(iii) Honorary Members; (elected at AGM)

(iv) Junior Member; (16 and under)

(b) Membership in any class may be limited by the Management Committee subject to confirmation at the next General Meeting.

5. Ordinary Membership:

(a) Admission to Ordinary Membership shall be by application to the Management Committee

(via the Treasurer), who may refuse any application.

(b) Every candidate elected to Ordinary Membership shall be notified of his election by the Secretary/Treasurer and up on paying, where applicable the appropriate annual subscription (which shall be paid within two weeks of the said notification or the election shall be void) he shall be a member of the Club and shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Rules and Bye laws of the Club.

6. Honorary Membership:

Honorary Members may be elected at the discretion of the Management Committee and verified at the AGM through vote of the members present.

7. Subscription:

The annual subscription payable by Ordinary Members shall be such sum as the members shall determine from time to time at the Annual General Meeting. It shall be payable on election to Ordinary Membership and there after annually on the 1st day of April and no later than the 30th April each year. (N.B. Special rules can be made if desired for subscriptions, for members joining after 1st October in the year, for juveniles and for entrance fees).

8. Resignations:

A member may resign his membership at any time by notice in writing to the Secretary.

9. Expulsion:

(a) The Management Committee shall expel from the Club any member for conduct which in their opinion is harmful/damaging to the interests of the Club or its property or its members or angling. Prior to expelling a member, the Management Committee shall inquire into their conduct and they shall be given a reasonable opportunity to defend and justify their actions either in writing or by appearing before the Management Committee as he shall elect. The Management Committee's power to expel shall be on a majority vote of those present at the Inquiry.

(b) An expelled member shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership but shall remain liable for any dues or debts to the Club which became payable or were incurred before the date of expulsion. page 3 of 7 29/04/2020

10. Management:

The management of the Club shall be vested in the Management Committee (except as otherwise provided by these Rules).

11. Senior Officials:

A Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected every three years, after indicating their consent, being proposed/seconded and shall automatically become a member of the Management Committee.

12. The Management Committee (Managing Trustees):

(a) The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than (3) or more than (8) Ordinary Members of the Club elected at an Annual General Meeting and shall have the power to co-opt up to two members and may in their discretion invite any persons, whether members or not, to attend any Management Committee meeting.

(b) The senior officials: Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall all read and accept through signature the Terms of Reference for 'Persons Elected to Senior Management Roles of Haig Angling Club' before taking office.

(c) The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy on the Management Committee and any member so appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.

(d) The Management Committee shall meet at least eight times each year to examine the accounts and arrange the affairs of the Club, and minutes shall be recorded by the Club Secretary (or his nominee) and accepted by the Management Committee, for every meeting held.

13. Byelaws:

(a) The Byelaws set out in the Appendix 1 to these Rules and Constitution and any byelaws made under para (b) of this Rule shall be binding upon the members until repealed by the Management Committee or by a resolution of a General Meeting, subject to any amendment made under para (b) of this Rule.

(b) The Management Committee shall from time to time make, repeal or amend all such byelaws as they deem expedient (provided that they shall not be inconsistent with these Rules) to take effect unless set aside at a General Meeting.

14. Annual General Meetings:

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in the month of March in each year to receive and consider the audited accounts and annual balance sheet prepared by the Treasurer; to appoint officers and auditors; to fill vacancies on the Management Committee; and to decide on any resolution submitted by the Committee or under Rule17.

15. Special General Meetings:

A Special General Meeting of the Club may be held at any time that the Management Committee shall determine and the Management Committee shall call a Special General Meeting upon a request in writing to the Secretary, by ten Club members for a purpose stated in the request and upon receipt of such request, unless they shall determine the purpose to be frivolous, the Management Committee shall call the meeting within one calendar month of the request made to the Secretary.

16. Notices of General Meetings and Resolutions:

(a) Notice of any resolution to be moved at a General Meeting unless recommended by the Management Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 30 days before the meeting and signed by the proposer and seconder.

(b) Notice of the date, time and place of every General Meeting shall be sent to each member of the Club at his last known address at least 10 days before the date of the meeting or 14 days in the case of the AGM.

(c) Accidental omission to give notice under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule or non-receipt of notice too any member, shall not invalidate any of the proceedings of the meeting.

17. Proceedings at General Meetings:

(a) Not less than fifteen percent of members shall constitute a quorum at any General Meeting.

(b) Absences of Quorum: If ten (10) minutes from the time appointed for the Meeting a Quorum is not present, the Meeting, if called at the request of the members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, the Meeting shall be adjourned. If after ten minutes from the appointed time for an Adjourned Meeting a Quorum is not present, the members present shall be a quorum.

(c) At every General Meeting the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice Chairman, or in the absence of both a member elected by the members present, shall take the Chair. The Chairman/Vice Chairman and all Ordinary Members present shall be entitled to vote and in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman/Vice Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

(d) Except as otherwise provided by these Rules, a majority vote of the Ordinary Members present and voting shall carry any motion or resolution, save that no Rule of the Club may be made, repealed or amended on a vote of less than two thirds of the members present and voting.

18. Interpretation:

(a) The Management Committee shall be the authority for the interpretation of the Club Rules and Byelaws and the decision of the Management Committee upon any question of interpretation of any matter affecting the Club not provided for by the Rules and Byelaws shall be dealt with by the Management Committee.

(b) In the Club Rules and Byelaws, where the context permits, words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

19. Club Finances:

(a) A Bank account shall be opened or maintained in the name of the Haig Angling Club (the Club account). The Club account signatories shall be the Chairman, the Secretary and the page 5 of 7 29/04/2020 Treasurer. No monies shall be drawn from the Club account except by cheques signed by two of the three designated signatures, all monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in the club account.

(b) The Club property shall be applied only in furtherance of the Objects of the Club. The distribution of profits or proceeds arising from the sale of Club property to members is prohibited.

(c) The Management Committee shall have the power to authorise the payment of remuneration and expenses to any member of the Club and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the Club.

(d) The Club may provide for related social facilities, sporting equipment coaching courses insurance cover medical treatments and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs, as provided for in the Finance act 2002.

20. Dissolution:

(a) A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a general meeting and shall be carried by the majority of at least three quarters of the members present.

(b) The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Management committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club

(c) Any surplus assets remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities that the Club hold shall be transferred as follows: - fish, the lock-up and tools from the club lock-up revert to the Landlord of the Clubs leasehold property. - monies and tackle revert to such local Charities and/or Community (Not for Profit) Groups, the Management Committee shall decide.

Amendment history

Replacement of wording from including to excluding and replaced responsibility from Trustees too Committee. Removal of the sentence "Every candidate for Ordinary Membership shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Club in good standing who as well as the candidate shall sign the application form". Added Updated to improve understanding removed "not present within" and replaced with "If after" and also removed "a Quorum is not present.

18 a Appendix Removed the reference to Trustees and replaced with Committee Club rules and bylaws added following the review and update to reflect the requirements of the 2018 AGM

Haig Angling Club Rules and ByLaws

1. The club shall be called "The Haig Angling Club", hereinafter referred to as "The Club".

2. Area of the club and its waters are: The Mirehouse Pond's, Stanley Pond and their surrounding banks.

3. The annual general meeting will be in first week in March each year.

4. The club year will run from the 1st day of April to the 31st day of March the following year.

5. Annual subscriptions renewals must be paid in full before the 30th April each year. If not paid by that date, membership must be re-applied for and may incur the £10 joining fee.

6. Only members who can produce a current, fully paid up membership card shall be eligible to fish on club waters.

7. The committee is empowered to have the right to introduce any fishery regulation it deems necessary for the well-being of the club.

8. All members shall obtain the appropriate Environment Agency rod licence before fishing club waters, and must observe the E.A. bylaws laid down by the authority.

9. Any person MUST on request produce his membership card EA Licence or ticket to any club member or bailiff. If no card, licence or ticket can be produced that person will be asked to leave the site.

10. When fishing on Mirehouse Pond's, fishing is from PERMENANT PEGS ONLY.

11. Members or visitors accessing club facilities shall do no damage to banks, gates, fences, hedges, trees, shrubs or disturb or interfere with any wildlife or stock, and there shall be no fishing from fields laid up for hay, or any other crops, no litter to be left. IT WILL cost you your permit.

12. Membership is NOT transferable.

13. No more than 2 rods to be used at any one time whilst fishing on club waters unless when fishing for carp where 3 rods can be used where an Environment Agency 3 rod license is held.

14. Landing nets MUST be used. Anyone fishing without an appropriate sized landing net (24" when fishing bottom pond) will be asked to leave.

15. Except in organised club matches CARP can only be placed into a recognised Carp Sack/keepnets to allow photographs to be taken and weighing and must be released on completion.

16. Any angler fishing for CARP must have and use an unhooking mat at all time, no carp to be placed on bare ground.

17. No treble or double hooks, live or dead fish bait to be used on Mirehouse Pond's.

18. Unless a temporary keepnet ban has been implemented for the well-being of the fish, all coarse fish, with the exception of carp, may be put into a keepnet until the end of the day's fishing and then MUST be returned to the water. Carp can only be placed into a keepnet (of the carp friendly type) in organised club matches only; no other species of fish under 3lb are to be held in a keepnet with carp. Keepnets must comply with E.A. requirements and to be a minimum of 3 meters in length.

19. Fishing allowed from dawn to dusk from banks only (no fishing allowed from a boat). Night fishing may be allowed giving a minimum 12hrs notice of intention, by written, telephone, or email request to carp co-ordinator or via the member's facebook page. Where night fishing involves a visitor on night fishing ticket, 24hrs notice of intention must be given by the sponsoring night fishing member. The committee shall have full powers to deal with cases of non-observance of all or any of these rules, and may for such or any cause suspend or expel a member or visitor from the club and may reject application for membership or visitors ticket if they think fit. NOTE: "Lone" night fishing will only be authorised for fully paid up night fishing permit holders. Appendix 1

20. An existing fully paid up night fishing member can purchase a night fishing ticket (cost of £9) to take a visitor/guest night fishing. The accompanying club member shall be held responsible and accountable for non-members actions and behaviours whilst on the club water NOTE: It is the responsibility of the accompanying night fishing member to provide the notification as per rule 19. Name, address and telephone contact details of the non-member/guest.

21. An existing fully paid up Club senior member can purchase a night fishing ticket at a cost of £3 for each night to be fished. Notification of night fishing must be given as rule 19.

22. Club members/visitors under 18 years of age are not allowed to night fish unless supervised by an adult (over 18) who must remain bankside, at all times.

23. The club shall accept no responsibility for personal loss by any member or ticket holder fishing club waters.

24. The use of lead weight in any form from size 6 shot to 1oz is banned and only non-toxic substitute to be used. Any person found using lead will be immediately barred from any of the club waters.

25. All ground bait and hook baits not used during the fishing session MUST be taken away NOT discarded into the water.

26. The club requires that ALL fishing baits, ground baits, food and drink be brought onto club's waters in non-disposable containers. Plastic bags, tins, bottles, etc. are no longer permitted.

27. Club waters will only be closed for periods of remedial work or to comply with any E.A. closed seasons. Notices of water closure for remedial work will be posted wherever possible.

28. All juniors of 14 years of age or under, fishing club waters must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.

29. All members and visitors must collect and bag all litter from their chosen swim BEFORE they begin to fish on club waters. When they leave they must take litter away with them and dispose of it correctly.

30. Members are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that persons fishing club waters are authorized to do so and that any fish are caught are not killed or taken away.

31. Leave no litter. Do not obstruct gateways. No vehicles on banks. Create no nuisance.

32. Club events will be posted in club notice boards, social media and other places as agreed by the committee

33. Senior members can take a junior (under 16 who hold the appropriate EA licence) fishing on two occasions free of charge. The senior member must however notify to the committee (through email, phone call or facebook page) prior to fishing. Junior membership must be purchased for a third or ongoing visits at the appropriate fee.

34. Members and ticket holders must observe club rules and bylaws. Given cause for complaint in respect of any of the above may forfeit membership including day ticket.

35. The Club retains the right to withdraw a membership without being required to give any reasons for its actions. I Mr. Michael Pattinson. as Chairman of Haig Angling Club hereby confirm (through signature) this document represents a true and correct record of the amendments made to Haig Angling Club Rules and Constitution and associated bylaws as of the Annual General Meeting held on the 4/03/2020



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