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Fishery Name: Minster Lakes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address: Pegwell Bay, Ebbsfleet Lane and Jutes Lane, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 5DL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entrance Grid Ref. TR 33303 62915
Car Park Grid Ref: TR 33237 62906 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sat Nav: CT12 5DL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone Numbers: 01227 710830 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email Address: [email protected] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: Situated on Pegwell Bay, Kent, Minster Lakes is a farm reservoir fishery offering 2 lakes which span approximately 8 acres.
Both lakes are mixed fisheries and provide a healthy stock of Carp, Pike, Tench and Bream. Brook lake is the most popular of the two venues and offers a substantial selection of fish. Jade lake affords a greater quantity of total fish; however, these are generally limited to Smaller Carp. What size do the fish go to? Carp up to 30lbs have been caught in Brook lake, as well as Pike at 25lb, and Tench and Bream up to 9lbs. |
Fish Species:
The use of boilies or nuts is not permitted on the waters. The waters are open all year with membership costing £110 per season. 1. NAME: The Association is called the "Canterbury and District Angling Association". 2. OBJECTS: The objects of the Association are to protect and improve the angling amenities of the waters of the Association and to encourage freshwater angling generally. 3. TRUSTEES: There shall be not less than two nor more than six Trustees of the Association elected by the Committee. The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation, or until removed from office by a resolution of the Committee. All property of the Association (except cash, which shall be under the control of the Hon. Treasurer) including leases and fishing leases shall be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall from time to time by resolution direct. The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Association against any risk or expense incurred by them in pursuance of their office. 4. MEMBERSHIP: Admission to membership shall be by election of the Committee who may refuse any application without stating a reason. All new members join on the strict understanding that their first year is a probationary year. Every candidate elected to membership shall be notified of their election by the Hon. Secretary and upon paying the entrance fee and the first annual subscription (which shall be paid within three weeks of the said notification or the election shall be void), shall be a member of the Association and shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Association. 5. ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP: Ordinary (local) membership shall be restricted to persons residing within the post code areas CT1 to CT21 inclusive, ME13 and TN25. 6. NON-VOTING MEMBERSHIP: Non-voting membership is available to persons living outside the boundary line as defined in Rule 5 and the number shall be restricted to a maximum of 500. 7. MEMBERSHIP CARD: A Membership/Identity Card is issued annually as proof of the current season's membership. The card must be carried whenever fishing Association waters and shown to any official or member on request. 8. PAID-UP MEMBER: A paid up member is entitled to fish the Association's waters and to partake in all the activities of the Association. 9. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP: Honorary members may be elected by the Committee for outstanding services rendered to the Association. 10. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: The annual subscription shall cover the year from the 1st April to the 31st March following. Reduced subscriptions shall be allowed to members less than 18 years of age and of, or over state pension age, or disabled with certification on the date of payment. No member shall be allowed to fish until their current year's subscription is paid. Members may rejoin the Association at any time during the membership period. (Rule10b) particularly applies to these members, they may not fish until they hold a valid membership card. If members fail to renew their membership during the membership period they shall be deemed to have forfeited their membership, except as provided in case of deferred members. 11. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Ordinary and non-voting Members. The entrance fee and annual subscription will be fixed by the Committee each year and notified to all members. Deferred membership. A retaining fee is payable in advance for deferred membership. Full membership shall be restored on payment of the current subscription. Junior member, three categories: Children under 12 years of age free membership. Children when fishing be accompanied by an adult, fully paid up member of the Association. Junior member (12-14 years of age). Entrance fee and annual subscription to be fixed by the Committee each year. Student member (15-17 years or age). Entrance fee and annual subscription to be fixed by the Committee each year. They will have no vote in management until they have reached the age of 18, when they shall be admitted to ordinary or non-voting membership without payment of any additional entrance fee. State Pensioner membership, offered to those of state retirement age or over, couples must both be on state retirement age or over. Disabled membership (blue badge holders, EA disabled licence holders, DLA or PIP receipients) is available on production of; the blue badge, EA disabled licence, DLA or PIP confirmation. If anyone believes that they are disabled, but does not have one of documents/badges specified, then their case will be looked at individually by the Committee. 12. PARTNERS AND CHILDREN: Partners of members and their children under the age of 16 shall be admitted without payment of an entrance fee. Where a parent is a fully paid up member, if more than one of that parents children are junior members, then a family membership would apply, that is with a 10% reduction for the whole family. 13. FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP: At the Committee's discretion any member found acting against the interests of the Association may be expelled from membership. 14. MANAGEMENT: The management of the Association shall be vested in the Committee. 15. OFFICERS: A President, Vice Presidents, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, after being proposed and seconded and indicating their consent, and shall be ex officio members (excepting Vice Presidents) of the Committee. 16. COMMITTEE: The Committee shall consist of the President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and not less than eight or more than twelve ordinary members elected at an Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to appoint additional officials at their discretion. At the Annual General Meeting each year, three of the ordinary members of the Committee being those longest on the Committee since last re-election, shall retire from office. They shall be eligible for re-election when every ordinary member attending the meeting shall vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled. In the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. Nominations for officers and vacancies on the committee, proposed and seconded by ordinary members, must reach the Hon. Secretary by the 31st March. The Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy on the Committee and any member so appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting, (in addition to the three ordinary members of the Committee retiring under Rule 16(b) but shall be eligible for re- election). The Committee shall meet in at least ten months of each year to examine the accounts and arrange the affairs of the Association, and minutes shall be taken of every meeting, proposed and seconded. A quorum shall be five. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Competition Secretary (and Assistant Competition Secretary if required) shall be elected annually by the Committee at their first meeting following the AGM. 17. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS: The Annual General Meetings of the Association shall be held between the 1st April and the 15th June each year to receive a report from the secretary on the year, to receive and approve the Audited accounts and the Annual balance sheet, to appoint officers and auditors, to fill vacancies on the Committee, and to decide on any resolutions submitted by the Committee or under Rule 19(b). 18. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING: A Special General Meeting may be held at any time that the Committee shall determine and the Committee shall call a Special General Meeting upon the requisition in writing of any 20 paid-up ordinary members for the purpose stated in the requisition. The Committee shall have the right to convene a meeting between the 20 members requesting a Special General Meeting and Committee. Failure of the 20 members to attend the meeting shall render the requisition void. Failure to resolve the matter at that meeting and, unless the Committee determined the purpose to be frivolous a Special General Meeting shall be called within 40 days. 19. NOTICES OF GENERAL MEETING AND RESOLUTIONS: Notice of the date, time and place of any General Meeting and agenda of the business to be conducted thereat shall be sent to each ordinary member of the Association at his last known address at least seven days before the date of the meeting. Notice of any resolution (unless recommended by the Committe) to be moved at an Annual General Meeting, shall be submitted to the Hon. Secretary by the 1st April and signed by the proposer and seconder. Any such resolution, unless withdrawn, shall be included in the business of the meeting. Accidental omission to give notice to or non receipt of notice, by any ordinary member under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this rule shall not invalidate any of the proceedings of the meeting. 20. PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS: Twenty paid up ordinary members having power to vote shall form a quorum at any General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting paid up ordinary members of the preceding season are entitled to vote. At every General Meeting the President or, in his absence, a member elected by the members present, shall take the chair. The Chairman and members present shall be entitled to vote and in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. Voting shall be by ballot or as otherwise directed by the Chairman. Except as otherwise provided by these rules a majority vote of ordinary members present and voting shall carry any motion or resolution, save that no rule of the Association may be made, repealed or amended on a vote of less than two-thirds of the ordinary members present and voting. 21. INTERPRETATION: The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Association rules and bye-laws, and the decision of the Committee upon any question or interpretation or any matter affecting the Association not provided for by the Rules and Bye-laws shall be final and binding upon members. 22. ACCOUNTS: The Hon. Treasurer shall report to the Committee with the Bank statement at the monthly meetings, the cheques and withdrawals from the Bank and Investment Accounts shall require the authority of two or not more than four nominees of the Committee. 23. BYE-LAWS AND SECTION RULES: The Committee shall have power to make Bye-laws for the proper working of the Association. Bye-laws shall be printed in the Members Book of Rules and Bye-laws or otherwise notified. The Committee shall also have power to make Bye-laws for the Fly Fishing Section and these will be notified to the Fly Fishing Section only. 24. AMENDMENT OF BYE-LAWS: Bye-laws may be altered by the members at any General Meeting as provided in Rules 18 and 19(b) such alterations shall require a two thirds majority of those ordinary members present and voting. 25. WINDING UP OF ASSOCIATION. If the Committee shall decide that the Association should be wound up then the Committee shall call a Special General Meeting of which not less than 28 days notice shall be given (notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 19(a). If that Special General Meeting shall by a majority of not less than two thirds of the ordinary members present and voting vote for the winding up of the Association then the Association shall be wound up and its affairs settled by the date six months after the date of that vote. The winding up shall be under the control of and in such manner as shall be determined by the Committee. The Committee shall - either at the meeting called under sub-rule (a) of this Rule or at another Special General Meeting called for the purpose - report to the members the likely surplus or profit at the finalisation of the winding up. If the meeting shall by a majority of not less than two thirds of the ordinary members present and voting vote to give the whole or any part of such profit or surplus to another nonprofit making club or association or body having any similar objects to any of those of the Association then the Committee shall give effect to such a vote. Except so far as any profit or surplus is thus given all profits and surpluses of the Association shall be distributed in equal shares among all paid-up ordinary members and all honorary members in each case at the date of the meeting held under Rule 25(a). If at the expiry of the said period of six months (or such later date as the Committee shall determine) the Committee (having made proper and reasonable enquiry) shall have been unable to ascertain the identity or address of any member entitled to any payment under Rule 25(c), then the Committee shall at its sole discretion make such payment either to any such club, association or body as is referred to in Rule 25(c) or divide the same equally between those members described in that Rule whose identities and addresses are known. 26. DISTRIBUTIONS GENERALLY. Except as provided for by Rule 25 no profit or surplus of the Association may be paid or distributed otherwise than either (a) to another non-profit making club, association or body or (b on dissolution of the Association to its members. |
Facilities: Car Park Clean toilet facilities are available on site. |
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