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Fishery Name: School Pool | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address: Oare Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7GT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entrance Grid Ref.TR 00963 62360
Car Park Grid Ref: TR 00963 62360 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sat Nav: ME13 7GT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone Numbers: 01795 590824 (evenings only)
Email Address: ? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: A mature twelve-acre spring fed gravel pit situated just outside Faversham off the Oare Road. A mixed general coarse fishery containing Roach, Rudd, Tench to 8lbs, Bream to 12lbs, Eels, Perch, Pike to 20lbs and Carp to 30lbs plus. Depths vary between 3 - 10 feet with plenty of underwater features.
Fish Species:
Bream to 12 lb arp to 30 lb Pike to 20 lb |
PART I CONSTITUTION, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1. The name of the club is the FAVERSHAM ANGLING CLUB, (hereafter referred to as 'the Club') with the headquarters at the appointed secretary's residence. 2. The Club is established as a private non-profit making Members Club for the pursuit of the freshwater angling in the waters of the Club. In no circumstances during the continuance of the Club or after its dissolution shall any assets of the Club be distributed to any Member or any organisation which is not itself constituted as non-profit-making or a charity. 3. These Rules come into force on 1 June 2019 and replace all previous rules and by-laws. 4. Part I of these Rules can only be amended at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) after due notice by properly debated proposals and then only provided that two thirds of those present and voting are in favour. The remainder of these Rules may be altered by a simple majority vote at the AGM or at an EGM. Any proposal for amendment of these Rules must be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary prior to the 31st March in any year. 5. All Members must observe and abide by these Rules and by-laws of the Club, the Members Code of Conduct and all legal requirements including those of the Environment Agency and any special instructions posted by the Committee on notice boards at Club waters or published in Club newsletters. It is the responsibility of all Club members to read and familiarise themselves with the Rules and by-laws of the Club. 6. The Club's main aims and objectives are: a. To protect and improve the amenities of the Club and to promote and encourage freshwater angling locally; b. To encourage anglers in the conservation of fish species and numbers; c. To encourage anglers in the protection and conservation of their angling environment and its ecology. PART II MEMBERSHIP - Election of Members: 7. Each candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by existing Adult Members of the Club and the membership must be approved by a majority of the Committee. All new members join on the strict understanding that the first two years of membership is classed as a probationary period. 8. The Committee shall have the power to limit, at its discretion, the number of Members in their respective Classes. Classes of Members: 9. There shall be the following Classes of Member: Adult Members, Junior Members and under 11's. An Adult Member must be at least 17 years of age, a Junior Member must be at least 11 years of age. Only Adult Members shall have Voting Rights. End of Membership: 10. Membership will cease by: a. Resignation, b. Expulsion, or c. Non-payment of fees as provided for in these Rules. 3 | P a g e Resignation. 11. Any member wishing to resign shall do so by notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary. Unless such notice is received by 31st March in any year the membership fee for that year remains payable. 12. Under no circumstances shall a Member be entitled to any refund of membership fee upon his/her resigning, being suspended or expelled. PART III FEES, TICKETS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: 13. Members agree, by the paying of subscription fee that the Committee and Officers are authorised to act on their behalf when entering into purchasing, contracts and agreements concerning the Club and its legitimate business. 14. A list of current subscription costs can be found on the Club Website and/or obtained from Committee Members. 15. Fees and subscriptions are due to be paid by 31st March each year. Any member who has not paid their subscription by 31st March in any year shall be liable to loss of their membership by decision of the Committee. 16. The Subscription Year runs from each 1st April to 31st March in the following year inclusive. 17. Subscription fees for the Membership shall be determined by the Trustees of the club and agreed by the Committee and advised to members at the AGM or Extraordinary Meeting (EGM). The fees will be set a year in advance of becoming due. 18. There shall be an Entrance Fee equal to an annual Adult Membership subscription fee, payable by new Adult Members to the Club on admission as members in addition to the Adult Membership annual subscription fee. 19. A Member reaching the age of 65 and on completing 15 consecutive years of membership, prior to turning 65, shall be allowed free Membership of The Club. Members who are over the age of 65 but have not achieved 15 years of Membership will pay a subscription which will be 50% of an Adult Membership subscription fee. 20. Junior Members are eligible to be admitted as Adult Members, if vacancies exist and subject to the approval of the Committee, on reaching the age of 17 years if their birth date falls between 1st April and 31st May inclusive otherwise on 1st April in the year following and in either case on payment of an Entrance Fee. 21. Junior Members who have achieved 3 consecutive years of junior membership and are eligible to apply for Adult Membership will pay a nominal entrance fee determined by the Committee together with a current Adult members subscription. 22. Junior Members who have achieved less than 3 years consecutive junior membership and are now eligible to apply for Adult Membership will pay an entrance fee equivalent of 50% of the Adult Member's subscription together with a current Adult Members subscription. 23. Members must keep the Club updated of any change to their contact details including their postal address, email address and telephone numbers. It is the member's responsibility to keep his records up to date. 24. Junior Members will be admitted for coarse fishing at an annual subscription which will be determined by the Trustees of the Club and agreed by the Committee. All applications for Junior4 | P a g e Membership must be supported by parents or guardians who accept total responsibility for the Junior Members behaviour whilst visiting club waters, including breach of Club Rules. 25. Guest tickets are available for Adult members to purchase for visitors to club waters, the price to be determined and obtained from such sources as the Committee may decide. Guest tickets are limited to 2 per lake per day and available 1st July to 28th February on all club waters. Excepting all Bank Holidays and New Year's Day. All guests must observe the rules and by-laws of the club and those of the Environment Agency. PART IV OFFICERS, TRUSTEES AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CLUB Officers: 26. The officers of The Club shall be President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer. The Committee will consist of officers and 6 other Adult members. Any Adult Member shall be eligible for election to serve as an officer of the Club when a vacancy occurs provided that he or she has served two terms on the Committee in the previous 10 years. 27. When a vacancy occurs for the office of President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, or Honorary Treasurer as the case may be, a replacement shall be co-opted by the Committee and their appointment may be ratified at the next AGM. 28. The officers of the Club receive no remuneration but during periods of office subscription fees are waived, and on relinquishing the post all officers must pay relevant member fees as determined by the Committee. 29. Only Adult Members shall be eligible for election to the Committee at the AGM. They shall hold office until the next AGM. 30. Two members of the Committee not being officers of the Club shall retire each year and shall not be eligible for re-election that year. Committee members so retiring by rotation shall be those who have served longest since the date of their last election. 31. Members of the Committee cannot be removed from the office until the end of their term unless their membership is terminated for any reason. In case an expulsion is being considered in relation to a Committee member, that member will not have the right to vote. 32. The Committee shall have power to appoint additional members not being officers at their discretion when vacancies occur, but such appointments will be temporary until ratified by the next AGM. The number of members so appointed may not exceed the total number of Committee members. 33. Subject to these Rules, the Committee shall have executive powers in the management of the Club, allowing it to act on behalf of the Club in all matters and to make new rules and rule changes (to be ratified at next AGM). They have the power and authority to purchase, rent and loan tools, equipment, waters and all things necessary for the smooth running and wellbeing of the Club. 34. The Committee shall have power to make and alter any by-laws from time to time to supplement and give effect to any of the Rules relating to fishing activities. Such by-laws shall be published by displaying them by such means as the Committee thinks fit including displaying them on the Club notice boards, on the Club's website and in the Club's newsletter and shall be binding on all Members of the Club, guests and visitors. 35. The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules and the decision of the Committee on all matters will be final and binding upon all members, guests and visitors. 5 | P a g e 36. The Committee has delegated powers to enter into any contract or agreement on behalf of the Club and in accordance with the Rules, save for powers reserved to the Trustees. These contracts and agreements are to be reported to the next AGM following their agreement but no financial figures with reference to rents and leases, or other commercially sensitive or confidential information, including bids in progress need be given. 37. The officers and the Committee, acting reasonably and in good faith in accordance with their interpretation of these Rules, will be indemnified from the assets of the Club against any liability incurred on behalf of the Club. 38. Any Committee Member shall have full authority over all Members, guests and visitors to require compliance with these Rules on the Clubs waters at all times. 39. The Committee shall be authorised to approve reimbursement of costs and expenses incurred by the bailiffs and officers of the Club in pursuance of the Club's work and business. 40. The Committee shall meet at a time and date set by the Chairman or Honorary Secretary, with at least 7 days' notice given before the meeting. There will be a minimum of 6 committee meetings per year. 41. The quorum at a Committee meeting shall be 5. Decisions of the Committee shall be by simple majority of those present and voting and in the event of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second casting vote. 42. Meeting attendance records will be kept, Committee members who miss 3 consecutive meetings will be asked for an explanation. If the explanation does not satisfy the Committee then that member may be asked to stand down. 43. Any Member having a complaint, suggestion or recommendation to make should do so in writing to the Honorary Secretary who shall then present the matter to the Committee for the next Committee meeting. 44. Committee Members will abide by the Committee Member's Code of Conduct. Trustees: 45. Three Trustees shall be appointed from the pool of Adult members by the Club at a General Meeting. The Trustees shall hold office until death, resignation or removal by the Committee on grounds that they are insolvent, mentally incapable or have committed gross misconduct or breach of these Rules. 46. The Trustees will manage and deal with the Club's property, waters and equipment, cash and investments as directed by the Committee. 47. The Trustees will only enter into contracts when authorised by the members of the Club by a majority present at an AGM or EGM. A certificate signed by the Chairman setting out the decision reached at an AGM or EMG shall be proof of the necessary authority. 48. The Trustees will be indemnified from the assets of the Club against any liabilities and legal penalties they may incur by the Club against any claim made. In all contracts and agreements a provision will be included stating that the Trustees are acting on behalf of the Club and that in no case will their personal liability exceed the assets of the Club from time to time. 49. The Trustees will ensure that the Club resources are used pursuant to its objectives and monies are not spent on activities not related to the Club's activity. 6 | P a g e 50. The Trustees must approve all spending of the Club's special reserves by a majority vote. Any disagreement between the Committee and Trustees must be settled by convening an EGM. PART V BAILIFFS 51. Bailiffs are the Club's representatives on the bank and will carry Bailiff Cards. 52. Bailiffs will be appointed and instructed in their duties by the Committee. The appointment of a bailiff may be revoked at any time by the Committee in its absolute discretion and without giving reasons. 53. Bailiffs should offer sound and practical advice to members and help create a friendly, responsible club. 54. Bailiffs should visit venues frequently to ensure the club Rules are being adhered to and that the fishery is in good order and litter free. 55. They should check for signs of pollution and/or fish in distress and report any occurrence promptly to the Committee. Bailiffs are responsible for regular venue reports, including water conditions, number of anglers fishing and notable catches. 56. Bailiffs should look for signs of other problems, otter/bird predation, and broken gates/fences, fly tipping, poaching, stealing etc and immediately report to the Committee any problems for consideration and action. 57. Bailiffs will inspect membership cards and EA Rod and Line licences on production of their Bailiffs card. Any person without a current membership card or EA Rod and Line licence will be asked to leave. 58. Bailiffs are authorised to check tackle, including terminal tackle already in the water, to see that it complies with the rules. The bailiff should point out any rule infringement to the member who must rectify the matter. Serious and repeated cases will be reported to the Committee for action. 59. Bailiffs should not place themselves in dangerous or harmful situations. If serious conflict arises they should walk away and report the matter to committee and/or the police as necessary. PART VI GENERAL MEETINGS Annual General Meeting (AGM) 60. An AGM shall be held within 3 calendar months after the end of the Fishing Season. 61. Three weeks' notice of the AGM shall be given to all Members by the Honorary Secretary. 62. All notifications of motions, proposals and committee nominations for AGM can be made by an Adult Member and must be in writing and with the Honorary Secretary by 31st March of the current Season. Such notifications of motions, proposals and committee nominations must be seconded by another Adult Member. There will be no business at the AGM other than that on the agenda. Time will be permitted at the close of the meeting for general discussion without minute or vote. 63. The quorum at an AGM shall be 30 Members entitled to vote. Only Adult Members who have paid any subscriptions payable by them in full at the date of the AGM shall be entitled to vote. 64. Decisions at an AGM shall be taken by simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second casting vote. 7 | P a g e Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 65. An EGM may be convened at any time that the Committee shall determine on not less than 7 days prior written notice to the Members. 66. Members for the purpose stated in the request. The Committee shall have the right to convene a meeting The Committee shall call an EGM upon the request in writing of 30 paid up Adult (the preliminary meeting�) within 21 days between the members requesting an EGM and the Committee. Failure of two thirds of the 30 members requesting the EGM to attend the preliminary meeting shall render the request void. At the preliminary meeting a majority of the members requesting an EGM may withdraw the request or modify the request with the agreement of the Committee and if the request is not withdrawn or if the Committee decide not to call a preliminary meeting an EGM shall be called within 40 days. 67. A quorum at an EGM shall be not less than 30 Members entitled to vote. Only Adult Members who have paid any subscriptions payable by them in full at the date of the EGM shall be entitled to vote. 68. Decisions at an EGM shall be taken by simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second casting vote. PART VII SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION 69. The Members shall accept and shall be bound by the Rules and by-laws in force from time to time. All guests and visitors to the Club will also be required to accept and be bound by the Rules and by-laws. 70. The Committee shall at its discretion suspend or expel any Member or exclude any guest or visitor whom it considers to be: a. in breach of any of the Club rules or by-laws; b. guilty of any misconduct; c. guilty of abusive, violent, offensive or obscene behaviour toward any other member, visitor, other persons using the club waters or local residents; d. making false accusations and/or statements against any other Member of the Club, e. tarnishing the reputation and good name of the Club or any Member either orally, in writing or via any social media, f. treating other members and officers with contempt. 71. Members may be suspended for a period of up to 56 days pending investigation by the Committee of any alleged, suspected or apparent breaches of these Rules or any by-laws. The decision to suspend may be notified to the Member orally in the first instance but will be confirmed in writing as soon as practicable. 72. Immediately upon expulsion or suspension as the case may be the Member suspended or expelled will be required to return to the Committee all property belonging to the Club in his or her possession. 73. Any Member who has been suspended or expelled may within 14 days appeal against the decision of the Committee by sending a written notice of appeal to the Honorary Secretary giving his or her grounds for appeal. The Committee will convene a meeting within 21 days of receipt of a notice of appeal, and no more than 5 days before the meeting the Member making the appeal and the Committee will each provide to the other witness statements or other documents relevant to the appeal. The Member making the appeal shall be entitled to make representations at the meeting and to call witnesses but only where their evidence has previously been disclosed in writing. The Committee will provide its decision in writing to the Member making the appeal within 7 days after the day on which the meeting is held giving summary reasons therefor. The Committee's decision in relation to any appeal is final. 8 | P a g e PART VIII COMPLAINTS 74. All complaints by Members must be made in writing and addressed to the Honorary Secretary. The Committee will consider the complaint and will endeavour to provide an initial response in writing, through the Honorary Secretary within 14 days. The Member making the complaint shall comply with all reasonable requests for further information made on behalf of the Committee. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the Member making the complaint may be asked to attend a meeting with members of the Committee to discuss the matter. Once the Committee has obtained sufficient information to deal with the substance of the complaint it will inform the member making the complaint of its conclusions in writing, through the Honorary Secretary. COMMITTEE MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT: 1. Committee members must represent the best interests of the Club and abide by all resolutions agreed by the Committee. 2. Every elected member agrees to act for the benefit of the Club. The member agrees to use his vote in a manner that they deem is in the best interests of the Club. 3. Outside of Committee meetings the member will support and not criticise any motion or decision properly discussed and voted on in Committee even if they were not in agreement of the decision. All members will be able to have a frank and meaningful discussion during the meeting, but once the decision has been made the topic or motion cannot be raised again unless in accordance with the Club Rules. 4. No member can publicise any matter in the name of the Club unless that member has been nominated the spokesman for the Club. Such spokesman must observe rule 3 above. This should not prevent a member from expressing their own views at private meetings, but they must make it totally clear that these are personal views and will not necessarily be adopted by the Committee. 5. Members of the Committee must agree to accept and comply with this Code of Conduct in its entirety with no exceptions or amendments. If a member feels at any time that they cannot comply or agree with this Code of Conduct they should consult with the Chairman in confidence in an attempt to resolve the problem. If no favourable result is concluded then the member must stand down from the committee. MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Members will promote the highest standards of sportsmanship, fair play, see that the spirit of angling is upheld and be mindful of the aims and objectives of the Club. 2. Members will only fish in a manner that is fair and lawful. They must not bring the Club into disrepute. 3. Members will be brought before Committee if they allow their standard of behaviour to fall below accepted standards as in abusive, threatening and obscene behaviour and/or language. 4. Members must respect the right of privacy and solitude of other anglers and remember to stay within the boundaries of their swim. 5. Members must fish and conduct themselves in a manner that causes no offence and avoid disturbance of other anglers, water users and members of the public. Noise levels, either verbal or otherwise and movement must be kept to a minimum. 6. It is the responsibility of all club members to read and familiarise themselves with the rules and codes of conduct, including their amendments from time to time, of the Club. Ignorance will be no defence. 9 | P a g e 7. Members that cannot accept and agree to abide by the rules and codes of conduct should stand down from the Club. BY-LAWS APPLICABLE TO ALL MEMBERS 1. Members must at all times carry membership cards and current Environment Agency Rod licences when at club waters and produce them at the request of a Club Official on production of his/her own membership card. 2. All members and guests enter the venues for the purpose of recreational angling at their own risk. The Club does not accept any liability for any injury, damage or loss of equipment or transport on any of its venues. 3. All permits are not transferable and must be shown to Bailiffs or any club member upon request, who will show their permits before making the request. Any angler without the required permit/licences will be asked to leave the water. 4. Access keys must not be loaned to any person, including other members to gain access to any club water. Persons found in possession of another person's key will result in disciplinary action being taken against both. 5. All visitors to club waters are the responsibility of the member they are visiting. 6. Gates to Club waters, which has keyed access must be closed and locked upon entry and exit of the venue. All vehicles must be parked within designated parking areas where applicable with club car park permit clearly displayed. 7. Members must drive slowly and responsibly on all access roads leading to club waters. Remember to respect other users and the environment. 8. Bicycles/motorcycles must not be ridden around club waters. 9. Members are responsible to remove all litter from the swim they are fishing, whether theirs or not.Members found with litter in their swim will be reported to the Committee and could be expelled from the Club. 10. Boat use on club water:- a) Adult members only b) Only a Committee sanctioned person can unlock a boat for use c) Two People must operate a boat at all times d) Life Jackets must be worn at all times e) No waders or chest waders must be worn in a boat f) Strictly no boat use during the hours of darkness g) Members fishing in the vicinity of where the boat is to be used must be advised and asked to wind in their lines h) The boat use recording book must be completed 11. Radio and other audio/visual equipment must not be used in such a manner as to cause annoyance to any person. 12. All dogs must be kept on a lead no longer than 2 metres and under close control. All dog excrement must be removed from around the lake and disposed of responsibly. 13. The property surrounding and on club waters must be respected at all times. Any club members climbing, damaging club fences or trees will be expelled from the Club. 14. No fires to be lit, except at Club work parties. 10 | P a g e 15. No guns to be taken to Club waters unless authorised by the Committee to do so. 16. It is recommended that no alcohol is brought onto club waters, for the safety of individuals and fish welfare. Any angler found intoxicated will be expelled from the club. 17. Any member found in possession, caught using or selling drugs on Club property or in the vicinity of club property will be expelled from the Club. 18. Club members leaving club waters for more than 2 hours must remove their tackle and vacate the swim. 19. Club members fishing club venues are allowed to fish for a maximum of 7 continuous days in one swim before having to move swims on another bank before being allowed a further 7 continuous days fishing. After which time they must vacate the lake together with their tackle for a period of no less than 72 hours before being able to return to the same lake. 20. In the interest of security the water and club's names must never be used when publicising fish catches with the exception of the Club's official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/favershamanglingclub/). All articles to be published in any other publication, for use on the Internet or film footage for either video or television must be submitted to the Committee for prior approval. It will be the member's sole responsibility to ensure that publishers do not name the water or the Club. 21. Creating new swims or removal of bank side vegetation and reeds must only be undertaken at anofficial club working party with the consent of the working party organiser. BY-LAWS APPLICABLE TO FISHING 1. Fishing season starts on 1st June and ends on 31st March inclusive. 2. Club members must purchase the appropriate number of Environment Agency rod licences for the rods that they use. 3. Strictly no match fishing on any club waters without the written permission of the Committee. When granting permission Committee will set out the rules to abide by during the match. 4. Baited tackle must not be left unattended. For the purpose of this rule, unattended means 10 metres on either side of the tackle. 5. Bivvies must be kept in the swim and not on the top of the bank or across paths. 6. No model/bait boats or drones to be used on club waters. 7. No night fishing from platform swims. 8. No netting, trailing, gorge tackle (including penell, Stewart, or any other combination hook tackle, excepting snap or spinning tackle), handliners, trimmers, or Eel spearing allowed. 9. Any angler fishing club waters must be in possession of an unhooking mat or cradle, no smaller than 36x24 inches and fully padded to protect any fish caught. A landing net(s) sufficient to safely land any fish that could be caught from any club water being fished at the time. 10. Members must be in possession of a suitable fish antiseptic to treat any open wounds if found on .any fish caught. 11 | P a g e 11. Any fish to be entered for a club record must be weighed and witnessed by 2 adult club members, and if possible a club official. Fish must be weighed in accordance with club procedure: a. Wet Sling and zero scales with sling attached, b. Place fish in sling and weigh. 12. The sacking of fish is not permitted on club waters. Fish may be retained for a minimum period in a landing net or floatation sling for the preparation of unhooking, weighing and photography.Retention must be no more than 15 minutes. Sacks should not be brought onto club waters. 13. Keep nets can only be used during official club competitions. Keep nets should be made from a fish friendly material and where necessary carp and silver fish should be kept in separate nets. You are only allowed to retain a maximum of 50lb of fish per net. 14. Bailiffs and any member of the Committee have the right to inspect keep-nets and tackle at any time and may at their own discretion instruct any angler to release fish after immediate weighing should they believe that any distress to the fish is being caused. Members may be required to change rigs or tackle to meet club requirements. 15. The use of Trout pellets and peanuts are banned from all club waters. 16. No pre-baiting is allowed during the closed season. 17. No bait to be taken to club waters in tins, i.e. sweetcorn and luncheon meat. 18. The use of Bent hook rigs and Lead Core Line are banned from all club waters. 19. Anglers fishing for pike must use line with a minimum breaking strain of 15lbs, if using braid a minimum breaking strain of 30lbs. Wire traces should be no shorter than 15 inches and have a minimum breaking strain of 30lbs. Treble hooks must be semi-barbless. All anglers fishing for pike must be confident in handling them and have the appropriate unhooking equipment. 20. Club members fishing for pike are permitted to fish 2 hours prior to sunrise and 2 hours after sunset.Night fishing for pike is not allowed. 21. All junior anglers wishing to fish for pike must have attended a Pike Teaching organised by the Committee and have been duly sanctioned to be allowed to fish for pike. It is recommended that any junior angler fishing for pike should be accompanied by a senior member of the club. 22. No fish to be taken dead or alive, except for live bait for use on club waters. Live bait is strictly forbidden to be used prior to 1st October and MUST be caught on day of use, from the water being fished. 23. All fish, including Eels, must be returned to the lake from which they were caught. Any member found transferring fish from one water to another will face expulsion from the Club. 12 | P a g e - Venue Specific By-laws School Pool 1. Anglers must keep strictly within the club boundaries and all gates must be kept closed and locked at all times. 2. Cars must be parked in the car parks situated along the road bank. There is no vehicular access around the lake. 3. No more than three rods may be used by Adult Members only and with the consent of adjacent anglers. 4. Fishing is restricted to marked swims only. 5. No Peanuts or Trout pellets to be used. 6. Swims marked with a yellow peg are two rods only. 7. An Adult member allowing a junior (one only) to night fish in an adjacent swim must be handed the juniors membership card for the duration of the session and accept total responsibility for the safety and welfare of the junior member. 8. Lake closed for fishing 1 April to 31 May inclusive.Bysingwood Lake 9. Anglers must keep strictly within the club boundaries and all gates must be kept closed and locked at all times 10. Cars must be parked in car parks, the compound or behind swims along the road bank. Cars must not be parked on the track leading to the compound. 11. Two rods only. 12. Barbless or Micro Barbed hooks only. 13. Fishing is restricted to marked swims only. Bank at Bysingwood end of lake is out of bounds. 14. All nuts, trout pellets and particle baits are banned, with the exception of hemp, tares, sweetcorn and specially formulated carp/coarse pellets. 15. Floating baits must not be used between 1 April and 31 May inclusive.Bracher Pools 16. Anglers must keep strictly within the club boundaries and all gates must be kept closed and locked at all times. 17. Cars must be parked in designated areas only. 18. Two rods only. 19. Barbless or Micro Barbed hooks only. 20. The use of lead shot size 7 to swan and ledger weights over 2oz is forbidden. 21. Night fishing is permitted on Bracher Pool 1 (1st Lake) only from the 4 yellow pegged swims. 22. No nuts or trout pellets to be used. 23. Fishing is restricted to marked swims only. Willow Pool 24. One rod only - No Carp Rods. 25. Barbless hooks only. 26. The use of lead shot size 7 to swan and ledger weights over 1oz is forbidden. 27. No night fishing. 28. No boilies, nuts or trout pellets. 29. No floating baits or ground baiting with floating baits allowed. 30. No electronic bite alarms allowed. 31. Fishing is restricted to marked swims only 32. Lake closed for fishing 1 April to 31 May inclusive. 13 | P a g e By-laws relating to Juniors 1. Junior members of the club are to be encouraged at all times to fish correctly and respect their surroundings. It is not recommended that junior members fish alone at any time and children under the age of 11 years must not be present or fishing on any club water unless accompanied by an Adult member or parent. 2. Junior Members must be in possession of all relevant tackle for the species they are intending to catch. Including balanced tackle (Rod, Line & rigs), landing net, unhooking mat and fish care antiseptic. 3. Junior Members are not permitted to night fish at Bysingwood Lake. However, a junior member may fish with an Adult Member, who will be responsible for the conduct and safety of the junior member,using one of the Adult member's rods during daylight hours only and fishing in the same swim. 4. Junior Members may only fish between sunset and sunrise on the School Pool & Bracher Pool 1 (1st Lake) if accompanied by an Adult Member. The Adult member must be willing to take total responsibility for the conduct and safety of the Junior Member (one only) who must hand to the Adult Member his/her membership card for the duration of the session. 5. Junior Members fishing at club lakes must leave the venue before darkness unless being supervised by an Adult member who is responsible for your conduct and safety. |
Facilities: Ample car parking, but a club key is required to gain access to the main car park and the toilet on-site. |
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