Norfolk Fishing Network 2004 - 2025 - Worcestershire Fisheries

WorcestershireFishing Venues
Fishery Name: Tardebigge Lake
Address: Grimley Lane, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 3AF
Entrance Grid Ref.SO 97695 70009

Car Park Grid Ref: SO 98361 68415
Sat Nav: B60 3AF
Phone Numbers: 07544 138125
Email Address: ?
Description: Quite possibly the most unique and spectacular venue in Worcestershire. With carp up to 45lb and specimen Pike, Roach and Bream. This is more than just a carp water. Run by Russ Guise, who has kept the lake as old school as possible, Tardebigge is a unique and special water.

Fish Species:
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Carp Fishing Rules:

Identification and Membership:

All members must carry their membership card (with photo on) when at the water whether fishing or not.

All members must display their Car Park Sticker clearly either by the adhesive to your window or using the clear wallet provided.

If you need more than one permit, please ask for one. They are free of charge.

All members must carry their fishing permit when fishing.

All members must be in possession of current E.A Licences which reflect the correct number of rods.

All members must attend at least ONE work party a year as part of your membership OR contact Stuart Glover or Luke Stevens for an individual job to be completed at a time that suits you.

Failure to do this will result in your membership not being renewed.

No fees returnable under any circumstance.

Equipment and Fish Care:

A maximum of 3 rods to be used at any one time plus Marker and Spod rods.

Fixed markers such as a H block, may be used in your swim during fishing sessions but must be removed at the end of your session.

Minimum line strength 15lb carp.

Micro barbed hooks are preferable.

Unhooking mats with sides or a carp cradle must be used at all times.

A weigh sling and a water bucket must be out by the mat with weighing scales and a Carp Care kit ready to use and clearly visible.

Failure to do so will result in your membership card being clipped.

During extreme temperatures, hot or cold, mats should be refreshed with freshly collected lake water and use freshly collected water over the fish.

No sacking of fish under any circumstances.

All carp caught are to be reported to the Head Bailiff, Simon Woodall, within 24 hours of leaving the lake.

The exact weight and photographs of both sides of the fish are required. You can contact Simon via messenger or his mobile phone.

His number is provided to you when you join. If you do not have his contact details get in touch with Michelle and she will give you a Bailiff Contact list.

Floater fishing and the use of Zigs are only to be used in The to The Caravan.

It is banned on the rest of the lake.

360 Rigs are banned.

Photography equipment must be set up before the fish is taken out of the water.

Use of a self take system is preferable. All photos and weighing should be completed as fast as possible.

When the water level fluctuates and is low, please unhook all fish at the waters edge before transportation for photographs.

If you have a crack off please contact any of the bailiff team as soon as possible to let them know.

This is important for the welfare of our Fish and failure to report it will result in a corner cut.

Fishery Safety:

Hook baits must not be rowed out and dropped from a boat.

Electric outboards may be used but no petrol engines under any circumstances.

If you use a boat you must wear a life jacket, no excuses and their use is entirely at your own risk.

If you disregard this fundamental safety rule you will receive a permanent ban from this fishery. No questions asked.

No swimming at any time.

Dogs are allowed but keep them under control at all times and all dog waste removed.

Bankside Etiquette:

You will be responsible for any litter in your peg whether it is yours or not. Please take all rubbish home. Do not use the public waste bins at the reservoir. These are emptied by Canal and River Trust volunteers and if they find anglers rubbish they will let us know. Take your rubbish home with you.

There are no toilet facilities at the lake therefore you will need to "bag and bucket".

Strictly no waste is to be left.

No digging holes to bury waste.

No soiled tissue or wetwipes to be left.

All waste should be taken home.

Do not leave it in the public bins.

Anyone found disregarding any of these rules will be immediately banned.

Alcohol is allowed in moderation but anyone found to be inebriated and not safe to fish will be asked to leave and have their card corner clipped or membership revoked.

We do not condone drug use but ask that you respect your fellow anglers and especially the public.

If you are fishing the grass bank please be extra courteous.

No rods to be left unattended once cast out at any time.

If you want to go and see your mate several pegs away from your swim, then wind in!

Maximum stay is two weeks in the same swim.

No return to the same swim for 7 days.

All swims have natural boundaries, if you are fishing outside of these boundaries then expect to be cautioned.

Guests and Socials:

Guest Fishing Tickets must be booked for and paid in advance. Bookings need to be made by contacting the Fishery Office either on Facebook or ring or text 07544 138125. The cost of the tickets are £20 for 24hours or £40 for 48hours.

All members are allowed 4 tickets per year.

Only ONE guest will be allowed on the fishery at any given time.

Guests must display the Guest Car Parking permit on their dashboard Red Card.

Guests must follow the fishery rules.

You are responsible for their actions.

Any rule infringements will be reflected on your membership card by corners cut.

The Guest is limited to two sessions per year regardless of the member taking them.

A session is either 24 hours or 48 hours.

Guests must be in an adjacent peg or in the same swim.

There is no doubling up in the Secret or House, these are single swims only.

All fishing must be within the swims boundaries.

The following swims may be seen as next-door swims:

The Drop off and The Bog

The Caravan and The Front Russ and Mallins

The Beach and The Island Dennis and The Gully

When fishing the following swims, you must stay in the swim to be in full control of your rods:

The House

The Tench

Stoney Island

The Long Runway


No rods to be left unattended once cast out at any time. If you want to go and see your mate several pegs away from your swim, then wind in!

BOOK A GUEST and Non Fishing Guests

Non Fishing Guests are allowed free of charge but must arrive in your vehicle. If they are staying overnight we expect you to inform a member of the bailiff team or Michelle. Non-Fishing guests must NOT be given the gate key or code.

If a Non Fishing guest is dropping off an item or food then please ensure they park responsibly and do not block any gates.


Leaving your swim:

If you occupy a swim you may leave the water with your gear still set up rods out of the water for a maximum of 3 hours please ring or text 07544 138125 and let us know you are leaving straight away.

Car Park:

The car park is only for anglers in possession of a current permit and car parking pass which must be displayed on the vehicle at all times. Please park with due car and attention allowing room for other members.

Pike Fishing Rules:

Pike fishing season runs from 1st November until 31st March each fishing year from Dawn to Dusk.

Identification and Membership

All members must carry their membership card when at the water whether fishing or not.

All members must be in possession of current E.A Licences which reflect the correct number of rods.

No fees returnable under any circumstance.

Equipment and Fish Care:

A maximum of three rods fished from the same peg.

Hooks must be semi barbless trebles up to size 4 maximum.

Wire traces must also be used of at least 14 inches in length and 20lb minimum breaking strain.

Mainline mono 15lb min breaking strain or braid 25lb minimum breaking strain.

A large landing net, unhooking mat, soft weigh sling and bucket of water needs to be set out in the swim.

Baits should be dead baits and/or livebaits. All livebaits MUST be caught from the reservoir.

When dead baiting, rigs should be assembled with pike safety in mind and if a fish is lost due to line breakage all beads, leads, floats etc. should detach leaving only the trace and mainline. If unsure then check with the bailiff team.

Artificial lures should be semi barbed avoiding oversized treble hooks.

For unhooking long artery forceps 8 inches minimum, long nose pliers of 12 inches plus and side cutters 8 inches minimum. No gags or gaffs.

Fishery Safety:

No fishing from the boats.

Electric outboards may be used but no petrol engines under any circumstances.

If you use a boat you must wear a life jacket, no excuses and their use is entirely at your own risk. If you disregard this fundamental safety rule you will receive a permanent ban from this fishery. No questions asked.

No swimming at any time.

Dogs are allowed but keep them under control at all times and all dog waste removed.

NB: All boat activity is at the individual anglers discretion. Safety checks should be done on any boat provided prior to use and usage is completely at anglers own risk. At no times are we liable for any loss or damage of any kind.

Bankside Etiquette:

You will be responsible for any litter in your peg whether it is yours or not. Please take all rubbish home

No rods to be left unattended once cast out at any time. If you want to go and see your mate several pegs away from your swim, then wind in!

Dealing with Members of the Public:

Tardebigge Reservoir is a picturesque beauty spot and as such you will find members of the public visiting the lake occasionally. Please be respectful at all times but in the event of any issues please telephone 07544 138125.

Everything Else Is Common Sense


The car park is only for anglers in possession of a current permit and car parking pass which must be displayed on the vehicle at all times.

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